- Afterpains… they are worse than most of the contractions in labour!
- Newborn Nails are sharp
- How slow one handed typing is…
- Night time diaper changes (starting EC soon)
- That I could actually breathe… without all the pressure under my lungs I am able to breathe in a full breath, It actually hurts a bit…
- Engorgement and leaking (my milk came in last night)
- My feet! and I can actually reach them!
- How much I love my sling
- How much I love baby smell… especially baby breath…
- How fast babies change from one day to the next…
- How fast time can go by when you are staring at a baby…
Are you EC’ing with or without diaper backup? I am curious because I am EC’ing, but not totally hardcore and I use cloth for backup. What I do is:
– whenever she eats (every 2-3 hours usually) I hold her over a small tupperware, either between sides or after she is finished. (Most of her poops are during or immediately after nursing. Maybe 1-2 times/day she also poops at random times).
– at night I don’t always do this because she is such a slow eater and I am TIRED!!
She’s started to be more fussy when I potty her, so I don’t always force it…I don’t want her to develop a dislike for being pottied.
What is your favoured sling for babys newborn? *
we will be using cloth backup… we did the same with Colin. He hated being wet so he would actually cry to be pottied which made EC easy… he was often dry for days…. well until he went on a potty strike at about 10 months and never went back…
I have been trying to pick up on cues now and we will be using the sink mostly to potty… I also have a BBLP for later…
I love my Maya wrap for newborns.. I also love wraps…
Maya Wrap…got it, I must get one…I despise the sling we have and I want to keep her close to me.=)
Oh, and I SO second that afterbirth pains thing…Dear God I had no idea how horrendous they would be.
The Maya wrap is great for nursing and quick in and outs…
I have to admit though that the last few days I have been using one of my stretchy wraps more… I can go for a long longer with him in it and I don’t have to adjust it often… My Maya is getting quite old so that could be a reason why I I have been liking the stretchy wrap better…
The sling I have covers my baby’s face and is really uncomfortable to wear even while sitting. I have one of those front pack carriers that I also hate and wouldn’t use with a newborn anyway. I guess I’m still trying to find the perfect sling/carrier wrap that doesn’t have tons of straps for me to adjust (I get confused) and is padded and comfortable for my shoulders, back, and baby of course…I’m still looking =)
have you tried a stretchy wrap? In the pics that I added today I added a pic of it so that you could see how it looks… It is SO comfy! I am wearing him in the newborn carry on the pic btw and I can nurse in that position too..
where do you get a stretchy wrap? I’m open to trying a bunch until I find one that works for me.
One thing i am curious, Paxye, didn’t you have a backup plan for birth, like a plan B envetualy if needed? And during labour you never had doubts about what was happening?
Well here in my country after babys are born they do the vaccine of BCG, and hepatites B, in the first week, at health center. And go to weight every week during first month, where in first time the doctor looks for any problem with reflexes and mouvemente of hips, etc. What is your opinion about this procedure?
Well i thank you for all the answer, i suppose you are in little time.
Beijinho *
At no point during the birth did I question any of my decision to birth unassisted. it all came so naturally.. It was quite the opposite actually, I was so happy that I was free of any assistance, that I was allowed to go deep inside myself, that there was no one there waiting to intervene or giving me tips etc… I was able to labour and birth naturally.
And no… I didn’t have a plan B besides calling 911 if it was something that I believe that I couldn’t have handled at home… (there are not many things that would make me feel that way however)
As for the other question…
Well, here in Canada vax’s (including Hep B etc) are done at the 2 month appt… however, we don’t vaccinate and never will so that isn’t a problem.
Babies are also not seen weekly even when the mom has a hospital birth with all of the works… and honestly I think that is a bit exaggerated… I get that is just a cultural thing…
We did do well baby visits with our first son… we saw the midwife at 2 weeks and then at 6 weeks, the family doctor at 2 months and then every few months after… It was pretty pointless… especially because we don’t agree with vaccination..
Dear paxye, thank u for your words, as i read them new questions come to me, like I wander if all woman are able to have unassisted birth, or put in other way, are woman by instinct prepared to know when they need help, if something isn’t well can we predict somehow? I understand it takes kind of trust in ourselves, but there is the estatiscal 5%? bumping in my head of births with difficulties. What to do about that?
About vaccines, you don’t give any, like tetanus and polio?
My husband only was vaccinated with six years because his paediatric said he didn’t need, and so his parents did. Only in entering school he had to take vaccines, but it is not usual around here.
Good rest of day.
Are all women capable of birthing unassisted?
In our culture, no I don’t believe so. I think too many women scared of birth and are too removed from themselves and their intuition. I also believe that there are women that feel more comfortable being with a midwife or family doctor…
I do believe that there are a few women that really do need the care of a surgeon, but I don’t agree with surgeons trying to manage all births… and I believe that too much management of birth leads to many of the problems women encounter…
Vaccines… No we will never vaccinate our children nor ourselves.The risks of vaccinations outweigh the risks for the diseases themselves and I am not scared of the diseases at all.
The ingredients in vaccinations are not something I would ever concent to injecting my child with…they often don’t work, they wear off and most of the diseases are more dangerous later in life when the vax wears off… I also believe that vaxs destroy the immune system…
In Canada vaccinations are not mandatory and you do not have to be vaccinated to attend school…it would go against the Charter of Rights to do so…