The 5th birthday seemed to affect me more than many of the others… There is something about the first birthday and now the 5th that are special… and I assume there are others later on that will do the same.

5 years ago I became a mom, a parent. I went from being alone to having a baby, another being that relied on me.

We went from being a couple to being a family.

I took those transformations not as negative but as positive and so did Simon. I knew from the time before I was pregnant, before he was born, that there was nothing I wanted to do more than stay home with my children, raise them completely, be the primary caregiver and parent. When I held him the first time, when I examined every little hair on his body, when I gave him his first bath, heard those first coos and words, saw those first steps I know that I would never regret being a full time parent.

5 years ago, I was holding my new babe and going to sleep as a family in our home for the first time… I was nursing for the first times, I was holding a tiny new life in my arms… not only any life but one that was created out of the love Simon and I share.

I would have never have thought that 5 years later I would still be nursing… not the same babe anymore but 2 others…

I would have never have thought I would feel so passionate about being a SAHM and the importance of breastfeeding, babywearing, positive parenting, natural living, unschooling and so many other issues. I would have never though that being a SAHM was as tough as it is sometimes but at the same time the most rewarding job I could ever do…

5 years isn’t much time when you really think about it, but I have so much trouble remembering the time before we had kids… and you know what… though movie nights, suppers as a couple at a restaurant, going out anytime and just taking the keys were fun… in all in all…  I don’t miss it…

it has been 5 years that I am a mom… wow….