I got this recipe from one of my best friends… and it is a keeper!!!

It is a simple bread made with oatmeal, millet and flax seeds (though I ran out of flax so I used sunflower seeds) and it is sweetened with Molasses…

This makes 5 loaves… so it is a large recipe.

You need:

  • 2 cups of Oats
  • 1 cup of Millet
  • 1 cup of Flax seeds
  • 2 tbsp of butter/oil
  • 1/2 cup of Molasses
  • 3 3/4 tsp salt
  • 2 1/4 tsp yeast
  • Flour

Put the Oats in a large bowl and add the 4 cups of hot water and then add the butter (so it will melt).

In another bowl place the grains with equal amounts of hot water and soak.

When the water in the large bowl is warm to the touch, add the molasses. (if you are using intant yeast you can add it directly to the bowl, if you are using traditional yeast, proof it first and then add)

Add the soaked grains to the large bowl and then start adding flour. Add flour until the the dough starts to come together but is still very sticky… add the salt and mix it in and then let rest for 20 min.

Flour the counter and turn the dough out and knead for about 10 min or until elastic, adding flour as needed.

Shape into a ball and let rise.

Preheat oven to 350 and grease the bread pans.

Once dough has doubled, turn the out onto the counter, fold and cut into 5 pieces.

Bake for about 45 min or until ready (the bread will sound hollow when tapped)


bread rising

Here are the 5… um… 4 1/2 loaves I made… (It was so good that one just didn’t make it into the pic)

5... um... 4 1/2 loaves

yummy bread