“It is possible to have an ecstatic birth – in fact, that is the best natural high that I know of. And these states of consciousness are best reached when a woman is fully aware and fully awake. Women don’t have a way to know how their body works until they really try it out in birth. I think that women can be just completely surprised by the change in them from giving birth – you have
something powerful in you – that fierce thing comes up – and I think babies need moms to have that fierceness – you feel like you can do anything.”

–Ina May Gaskin, world-renowned midwife

If you are near or in Montreal you may have heard that there is going to be a viewing of the film “Orgasmic Birth” on May 6th…

This is going to be an amazing night…

not only to see the movie, but it will be followed with a disscusion panel featuring Dr. Jack Newman (the breastfeeding “guru”), Debra Pascali-Bonaro (Orgasmic Birth’s filmmaker), Ottawa midwife Betty-Anne Daviss (Johnson and Daviss BMJ 2005 homebirth study), Montréal’s own Isabelle Brabant (midwife and author), and the true experts : women who have had ecstatic birth experiences, themselves.

Here is the press release…

The tickets are only 12$ if you buy in advance (15$ at the door) and the proceeds will be going to the Dr. Newman’s clinic and Le group MAMAN…

If you can make it I hope to see you there!!
