I am "a hippie with a minivan". A mom of four who has chosen to take the less travelled roads in parenting. We are a unschooling family and learn through life without punishments or rewards. I am a
Needle Felting Artist, I love being in the Kitchen, and love to share my passion of Natural Parenting through Workshops and Mentoring. We have a big dream of living on the road and we are in the process of
converting a bus!
That is a gorgeous picture and such a beautiful wrap! Could you tell me more about it? I’ve been struggling with a backpack/snugli and that looks so much more comfortable!
Thanks so much,
Thanks Mindy!
A wrap is the most comfy carrier in the world and the most versitile!
the one I have on is my Favorite… It is an Ellaroo (Ysabel pattern)
If ever you want the comfort but don’t want to pay the big bucks just go to a fabric store and buy 5 meters of fabric… if you find a fabric that is about 30-45 inches wide then you won’t have to hem… if it is double that then you can get two wraps out of it (but you have to hem… for instructions on how to wear go to http://www.mamatoto.org….
So sweet!