Comments on: High standards and The Cycle of Coercive Parenting… Sun, 23 Feb 2014 18:10:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jenna Sat, 08 Jun 2013 02:26:18 +0000 Melissa you are wonderful! Hi my name is Jenna, I am married with no kids… yet. I have been on the fence in regards to child discipline until following your link from FB’s ‘A Hippie Mom in Conservative Clothing’ post. I can’t say I didn’t turn out well being raised on the traditional model of child discipline, but there were definitely hardships in my 25 years leading to this point, now, of understanding, belief, and realisation. I have seen so many great examples with my friends these days, and my parents’ friends many years ago, who were attachment focused and non-punitive. The kids turned out to be very very clever as well as healthy and well adjusted. That feels like enough proof to me, along with the ideas you explore here. My husband is a teacher and learns every day from his students about so called control in the classroom. He is only one year in, and is about to sit an interview with a Catholic school (we arent religious) that focuses much more heavily on restoration and prevention and healing, than conventional discipline. I hope he gets the job and learns even more, and I through him.

My next topic may seem unrelated but I don’t believe it is. It feels like every day I talk to someone, an adult, who has accepted in a trusting way, and some who have a hard time accepting, their mental illness. You don’t make this specific point, but allude to what happens down the track, and the fear of delinquency. Maybe it is a bold statement, but having been diagnosed as having bipolar… I struggled and reacted very emotionally and defiantly to these negative behaviour concepts soon after highschool, and then eventually knew instinctively pharma drugs would not help… 6 years later I am still haunted by how many of my adult friends have had similar experiences and still suffer. What if? It’s a big what if. BUT. What if their parents… and my parents… had used your non-punitive approach? Would we have seen a generation of happier, more loving, more trusting individuals? It is time that we stop this cycle.

I guess I am fishing for a response. My grandmother helped very much in raising us and looking after us to give my parents time alone together. I want my parents to be involved and able to take care of my children for visits, and my husbands parents as well.
My question is how do I (how would you?) clearly explain my expectations to them in how to interact with my children, when we do have them down the line? I fear not being clear enough verbally and they might resort to what is easy when alone with my children.

By: Discipline and How Non-Punitive Parenting Works » a hippie with a minivan Thu, 29 Mar 2012 01:46:15 +0000 […] This is in part a continuation of the post “High standards and the cycle of coercive parenting…” […]

By: Patricia Sat, 17 Mar 2012 21:09:43 +0000 Hi,
I also found my way here through your comments on the HuffPo article. And I like your website, great work 🙂

There is another group in California too you might be very interested in:

They have a fantastic model of helping parents focus on emotional connection with children, with a main focus being that children’s behavior gets “offtrack” when they are feeling emotionally disconnected from the parent or when something has restimulated an unfinished emotional project for them. And that when kids’ behavior is “offtrack” it’s because they are caught in their limbic system (non-rational thinking part of mind) and really can’t be expected to think about their behavior or talk about it or learn anything really. What they really need to get back on-track and be able to think clearly and learn is to have an adult offer them warm, supportive listening until the emotions have settled.

The great thing about this parenting model is that it really emphasizes ways that parents can connect with other parents or friends/family through listening partnerships to offload their own emotions about how hard it is to parent when our kids behavior is “offtrack” in some way. This lets parents get a chance to heal their emotions in order to be more clear-thinking when emotions swell up in their kids.

Anyway, I just love their work, and thought you might enjoy checking them out too, lots of great articles and resources on developing non-aggressive, non-harsh responses to our kids behaviors.

By: kim Fri, 16 Mar 2012 21:03:06 +0000 I found my way here through your comments on an article in HuffPo. I thought you might be interested in an organization based here in Los Angeles called Echo Parenting and Education (formerly the Center for Nonviolence in Education and Parenting) which teaches an empathy led practice of parenting. I find the fact that although we have learned so much about brain development in the last 10-15 years, the need for compliance and obedience from our children remain a priority over emotional connection – something we know is essential to optimal brain development – and that the destructive means of acquiring compliance (spanking, time outs, rewards, etc.) persist. The fact that the author of the HuffPo article was praising It’s Magic 1-2-3 is discouraging and a bit horrifying. Thanks for your thoughtful comments!

By: Rachel Wed, 14 Mar 2012 14:46:28 +0000 In reply to paxye.

I agree

Lots of ‘misbehaving’ is just experimenting and doing things without seeing the consequences of these actions for themselves or other people.

The natural consequence of pouring water out of the bath is that someone else will slip on it or it will damage the floor so you have to get out of the bath to dry it up to stop those things happening.

By: paxye Wed, 14 Mar 2012 11:48:19 +0000 In reply to Megan.

Ah… water messes in the bath… even my older kids have that problem! Annoying and messy isn’t it? However, I don’t think it has anything to do about willfully misbehaving. I think it is more that they just don’t think of the mess that will happen…

What do we do? We point out to them what is happening… “did you notice that water is going on the floor and making a mess?”

Then provide a solution like… “How about you do that in the corner next to the wall?”

We also either ask them to clean up the water with a towel or just put a towel over the mess ourselves.

If water messes are happening too much then we ask them to stop that game or just say that it is time to get out of the bath…

By: Armagan Wed, 14 Mar 2012 10:40:47 +0000 Sorry for the ‘?’, as understood they stand for ‘i’.

By: Armagan Wed, 14 Mar 2012 10:37:56 +0000 ? love your your mentality about parenting, ? definitely learned a lot from your blog. For instance my son Beren is 3 years old and ? am still breastfeeding despite everyone except my husband. Of course he came into terms after so many explanations from my side and eventually one night he watched a documentary on tv about breastfeeding and learned there is really not a solid reason why the Western medicine recommends 2 years as the maximum breastfeeding duration.
? never cried out Beren for sleep. ? never push him for anything, there is no reward or punishment system in our house. Eventhough we have never met, ? live on the other side of the world, your impact on my parenting is more than anyone around me. You made me realize that my inner voice about my parenting is the only real source ? should trust. And my living proof is my son, he became such a lovely, independent, caring, clever boy. Thanks a lot for this blog.

By: Megan Wed, 14 Mar 2012 03:58:29 +0000 Thanks so much for this post Melissa! I’m so new at this parenting thing, but I definitely agree with many of your points, and I’m so grateful for blogs like yours that are helping me find my way. My girl is 18 months old now, and I’ve found that many situations that result in her “misbehaving” are often the result of a lack of understanding on my part. Like during her bath tonight, she filled a cup with water and then poured it out over the side of the tub. Kind of inevitable behavior for an 18 month old, I should probably wait a bit before I let her have cups in the tub…I’m always surprised when I see a mom freak out at her toddler in Target for getting upset while she completes her insanely long list. What toddler wants to be stuck in a shopping cart in the store more than a few minutes? You really can’t blame them, when I was a kid 20 minutes seemed like an eternity!
I like the idea of creating a “yes” environment where she can roam and play at will and putting those things out of reach, etc. that are dangerous/breakable/expensive.
Here’s my question though since I’m not there yet. What do you do when they ARE old enough to understand but willfully misbehave? Like, when she’s four and decides to pour out the cup of water over the edge of the tub (or worse!).
